Yasufumi Hirai joined Rakuten as Group Executive Vice President, CIO & CISO in 2016. Yasufumi Hirai is President & General Manager for Cisco Japan & Senior Vice President of Cisco Systems Inc.
In this role he manages all operations for the Japanese market. He joined Cisco Japan in 2008 as Vice President for Enterprise, Public Sector and Commercial Operations.
Before joining Cisco, Hirai was Senior Managing Executive Officer at Microsoft Co., Ltd., leading its enterprise business. Previously, he spent 20 years at IBM Japan, Ltd., involved in Corporate Strategy, Telecommunications Industry Unit, Software Group, and other management positions. He served two separate assignments to New York for IBM.
Hirai is a trustee of the Japan Association of Corporate Executives (Keizai Doyukai) and a member of Japan Quality Award Council, in addition to serving as an Adjunct Researcher in the Institute of Human Resource Studies, Waseda University.
Hirai is a Graduate of the Faculty of Mathematics, Kyushu University.