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🆕 Exciting News! NFTScan Officially Launches Bitcoin-Runes Explorer!


Recently, the NFTScan team officially launched the Bitcoin-Runes Explorer, providing an efficient and straightforward NFT data search service for developers and users within the Runes ecosystem.

The primary purpose of the Runes protocol is to define a method for tokenized asset exchange on the Bitcoin network. It uses Rune as the unit of tokenized assets and utilizes UTXOs to represent the balance of Runes. Protocol messages are transmitted through the outputs of transactions, following specific formats and rules, and can include both transfer and issuance operations.

The release of the Runes protocol offers an excellent opportunity to participate in a vast new ecosystem. Despite the overall bearish market, the Runes ecosystem has shown strong activity.

Bitcoin-Runes NFTScan:

The NFT Explorer of Runes

According to data from Bitcoin-Runes NFTScan, the total transaction volume of Runes minted on the Bitcoin network has reached 6,408.83 BTC to date. The current market value is 32,617,909,740.37 BTC, with a total issuance of 86,422 Runes and 1,016,289 wallet addresses that have interacted with Runes.

Through parsing on-chain data on the Bitcoin network, NFTScan aims to present clear data to users and developers, offering comprehensive services for the Runes ecosystem.

  • Standardized processing to ensure data consistency, making it easier for users and developers to understand and use the data.
  • In-depth analysis of on-chain data to extract key information related to Runes, with detailed data descriptions and analysis results to help users and developers better understand and apply the data.
  • Data visualization to present complex data in an intuitive form.
  • Providing real-time updated data to help users and developers promptly obtain the latest Runes ecosystem information.

As a leading NFT infrastructure in the Bitcoin ecosystem, NFTScan will continue to develop features and open services, providing high-quality NFT API data services and wallet address NFT asset data search services for developers and NFT users within the Bitcoin ecosystem.

Currently, the NFTScan developer platform offers three series of APIs related to Runes: “Retrieve Rune,” “Retrieve Rune Balances,” and “Retrieve Rune Transactions,” meeting the indexing needs for Runes data in various business scenarios.

We invite you to utilize the Runes API data services offered by the NFTScan developer platform, which allows for easy and efficient creation of products and protocols connected to the Bitcoin network.

NFTScan is the world’s largest NFT data infrastructure, including a professional NFT explorer and NFT developer platform, supporting the complete amount of NFT data for 20+ blockchains including Ethereum, Solana, BNBChain, Arbitrum, Optimism, and other major networks, providing NFT API for developers on various blockchains.

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