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DEAI Sponsors the W2140 World Web3+AI Expo in Bangkok

Event Announcement: DEAI Joins W2140 Expo as a Key Sponsor

On November 11, DEAI, the RWA tokenization DePIN platform, officially partnered with the W2140 Expo organizing committee, becoming a major sponsor of the W2140 World Web3+AI Expo (Bangkok edition). As a sponsor, DEAI will support the Expo and engage in deeper collaborations around RWA tokenization and other strategic Web3 sectors.

W2140 World Web3+AI Expo (Bangkok Edition) Set to Open Soon

Scheduled for November 12, 2024, the W2140 World Web3+AI Expo in Bangkok, the largest Web3 ecosystem event globally, anticipates an impressive turnout. Reaching participants in over 150 countries, the Expo expects approximately 200,000 Web3 and AI technology professionals to attend in person. This year’s Expo is hosted by the Thai Government and the Asian Chamber of Commerce in Thailand, with robust government support.

With backing from over 1,000 global projects, the Expo promises a wealth of networking and collaboration opportunities, drawing more than 100 unicorn companies worldwide. Numerous events will run in parallel, ensuring each attendee walks away enriched.

About DEAI

DEAI’s Platform Vision

DEAI is an RWA tokenization DePIN platform, empowering DePIN asset owners to both lease out DePIN capacity in exchange for decentralized token payments and tokenize the assets themselves as real-world assets (RWA). DEAI drives the tokenization of core blockchain infrastructure, allowing users to invest in and hold equity in critical decentralized infrastructure assets. Through an innovative tokenization model, users gain ownership, governance rights, and revenue from decentralized storage, computing power, and network resources.

Core Functions and Objectives of DEAI

DEAI offers a highly visual, intuitive interface that allows users to navigate and comprehend complex on-chain data with ease. Real-time data updates ensure accuracy and relevance, while advanced analytics provide deep insights into emerging trends and patterns within the DePIN sector. This data not only informs strategic decision-making but also delivers valuable market feedback to investors and developers, enabling agile adaptation in a competitive landscape.

Additionally, DEAI’s decentralized structure guarantees data transparency and security, allowing users to confidently access and analyze data without concerns of data manipulation or privacy breaches. Leveraging AI technologies, the platform elevates data processing and analytics efficiency, delivering customized data services through machine learning and deep learning algorithms to uncover market opportunities and risks.

Integrating RWA with DEAI

With the incorporation of RWA applications, DEAI expands its data processing and analysis capabilities. By integrating RWA datasets, DEAI provides in-depth analysis of physical assets and financial products, enabling both on-chain data assessment and real-time tracking of market trends related to tangible assets. This dual focus helps investors and enterprises make informed, multidimensional decisions, facilitating smarter asset allocation and investment strategies.

The platform’s advanced analytical tools, powered by cutting-edge AI, go beyond market opportunity identification, offering predictive insights and risk assessments to guide each DePIN project’s strategic planning. DEAI’s AI models continuously adapt to changing market conditions, providing personalized analytics and forecasting services. This dynamic analytical capability allows users to extract valuable insights from complex datasets, optimizing their investment and business decisions.

DEAI is more than a data aggregation and analysis platform; it is an intelligent decision-making engine. By fusing the latest AI technologies with RWA data, DEAI is setting the standard for a more intelligent, transparent future, providing deep data insights and strategic support across the DePIN landscape. Whether analyzing on-chain data or evaluating RWA, DEAI’s AI-driven capabilities position users for exponential wealth growth.

Event Details

  • Event Name: W2140 World Web3+AI Expo (Bangkok Edition)
  • Opening: November 12, 2024, 9:00 AM (Tuesday)
  • Closing: November 14, 2024, 9:00 PM (Thursday)
  • Location: Bangkok International Trade and Exhibition Centre (BITEC), Thailand

Invitation: We cordially invite global Web3 projects, media, and Web3 and AI enthusiasts to join us at this prestigious event.




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  • 日本金融厅建议放宽信托银行发行稳定币的准备金要求,并实施旅行规则

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  • 日本金融厅提议为非交易所加密中介机构制定轻量级立法

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