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TRON DAO at Harvard Blockchain Conference and New TRON Builder Tour Stop

Geneva, Switzerland, April 16, 2024 – The Harvard Blockchain Conference, a premier gathering hosted by the Harvard Blockchain Club, showcased the TRON DAO as a Platinum Sponsor, the highest tier for the Harvard Blockchain Conference. The official conference saw a packed crowd of attendees featuring a variety of students, thought leaders, and blockchain enthusiasts discussing the potential of blockchain technology and emerging projects within the web3 space.

The TRON booth provided exclusive HackaTRON branded swags to participants who asked questions surrounding the TRON ecosystem. The booth also featured information about TRON DAO Ventures funding opportunities including TRON DAO’s official Bitcoin Layer-2 Roadmap, which continued to spark thoughtful conversations.

Additionally, this conference marked a milestone in the TRON Builder Tour (TBT), showcasing TRON DAO's dedication to fostering education and collaboration within the blockchain ecosystem. Each stop is crafted to inspire and educate participants, fostering the development of groundbreaking blockchain applications.

TRON Builder Tour Harvard Stop Highlights

This weekend's TRON Builder Tour event, co-hosted with the official Harvard Blockchain Club, featured a raffle of swag and gifts to attendees as well as an engaging platform for TRON DAO to connect with students and leading industry professionals from organizations like Pantera, A16z, Arbitrum, and Hedera. Seeing over 60 attendees in a fully booked event, key discussions focused on building communities and integrating Real-World Assets (RWAs) into the blockchain, with panels that captured attendees' interest, especially on topics like Bitcoin Ordinals and BRC-20s. Following the conference, the TRON Builder Tour hosted a special networking session, allowing participants to unwind and discuss blockchain innovations, highlighting TRON DAO's upcoming Bitcoin integration plans and its commitment to guiding students in their blockchain journeys.

Past TBT Stops

- MIT Stop: Engaged academics and students in discussions about the practical and potential applications of blockchain technology.

- ETH Denver: Blended technical workshops with community-building activities, focusing on collaborative development.

In tandem with these events, TRON DAO continues to push the envelope with HackaTRON Season 6, a competition that challenges innovators across multiple tracks to create solutions that harness the power of the TRON network. Featuring a prize pool of up to $650,000*, including $500,000 in TRX, the TRON network's native utility token, and $150,000 worth of energy support to subsidize transaction fees and improve the user experience of various dApps. This competition underscores TRON DAO's commitment to advancing blockchain technology and nurturing a global community of innovators and creators. Be sure to submit your project today on the official

HackaTRON Season 6 DevPost Page.

*All prizes are issued in TRX or TRON network Energy, not USD, restrictions applied. All contest rules can be viewed here: 

Stay Up To Date

Keep an eye out for more TRON Builder Tour stops and opportunities to engage with blockchain technology. Each event provides a unique chance to network, learn, and contribute to the evolving landscape of blockchain and decentralized applications.


TRON DAO is a community-governed DAO dedicated to accelerating the decentralization of the internet via blockchain technology and dApps.

Founded in September 2017 by H.E. Justin Sun, the TRON network has continued to deliver impressive achievements since MainNet launch in May 2018. July 2018 also marked the ecosystem integration of BitTorrent, a pioneer in decentralized Web3 services boasting over 100 million monthly active users. The TRON network has gained incredible traction in recent years. As of January 2023, it has over 205.11 million total user accounts on the blockchain, more than 6.96 billion total transactions, and over $20.43 billion in total value locked (TVL), as reported on TRONSCAN.

In addition, TRON hosts the largest circulating supply of USD Tether (USDT) stablecoin across the globe, overtaking USDT on Ethereum since April 2021. The TRON network completed full decentralization in December 2021 and is now a community-governed DAO. Most recently in October 2022, TRON was designated as the national blockchain for the Commonwealth of Dominica, which marks the first time a major public blockchain partnered with a sovereign nation to develop its national blockchain infrastructure. On top of the government’s endorsement to issue Dominica Coin (“DMC”), a blockchain-based fan token to help promote Dominica’s global fanfare, seven existing TRON-based tokens - TRX, BTT, NFT, JST, USDD, USDT, TUSD, have been granted statutory status as authorized digital currency and medium of exchange in the country.

For enquiries and further questions, please contact

Contact Person: Hayward Wong

Email: [email protected]




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