Uniswap 社区拨款 1.655 亿美元激励生态发展,DeFi 巨头战略转型路在何方?

Udo Schloemer

Investment Partner , Angel


Investor Type
Investment Partner,Angel
Investor Stage

Udo Schloemer is the Managing Director at Viva Forever.
Udo Schloemer founded his first company in 1992 and realized € 500 million project volume as a real-estate entrepreneur ever since. After angel investing in 50+ Berlin-based startups - including local heroes, such as 6wunderkinder, EyeEm, Monoqi and more - he founded Factory, Germany’s largest startup campus in 2011. At Factory, Udo combines his one of a kind real estate expertise with his passion for startups. His long-term vision is to create a European Silicon Valley by bringing together best in class technology businesses and connecting old & new economy.

Personal Investments

Number of Investments
Udo Schloemer has made 1 investments. Their most recent investment was on Dec 14, 2020, when Neufund raised €4M.
Date Company Name Round Money Raised Industry
Dec 14, 2020 Neufund Series A €4M Blockchain Detail