上任前狂抛 2 亿美金加密投资,特朗普顾问 David Sacks 的「清仓大戏」

Ted Dunning



Ted Dunning is Chief Application Architect at MapR and has years of experience with machine learning and other big data solutions across a range of sectors. Ted was the chief architect behind the MusicMatch (now Yahoo Music) and Veoh recommendation systems. He built fraud detection systems for ID Analytics (later purchased by LifeLock) and he has 24 patents issued to date plus a dozen pending. Ted has a PhD in computing science from the University of Sheffield and is active with open source projects as committer, PMC member, mentor and currently serving as a board member for the Apache Software Foundation. When he’s not doing data science, he plays guitar and mandolin. He also bought the beer at the first Hadoop user group meeting.


Number of Current Jobs
Ted Dunning has 1 current jobs including CTO at Hewlett Packard Enterprise , .
Organization Name Title At Company Start Date End Date
Hewlett Packard Enterprise CTO Oct 1, 2019 Detail