Uniswap 社区拨款 1.655 亿美元激励生态发展,DeFi 巨头战略转型路在何方?

Sumit Goyal



Sumit is a software engineer in the IBM Watson Studio development team. He works on the integration of tools with compute engines for large-scale analytics. His work focuses on machine learning, simplifying AI, and making data science workflows more efficient. As an engineer with data science skills, he helps clients solve their technical and business challenges and realize their data analytics goals. He holds a degree in Automation and Industrial IT. Sumit shares his knowledge through talks at various meetups.


Number of Current Jobs
Sumit Goyal has 1 current jobs including Senior Product Manager at Nexthink , .
Organization Name Title At Company Start Date End Date
Nexthink Senior Product Manager Jan 1, 2022 Detail