
Steven Palmer



Senior VP, DutkoGrayling

Experienced global government affairs professional - + 20 years of success in international, multi-state & federal government relations, lobbying & campaign management. In the “trenches” government affairs experience - trusted relationships with business leaders, elected officials at all levels of government throughout the United States.

Represent Fortune 500 companies, start ups, trade associations and high worth individuals. Background: leadership positions in government affairs for pharmaceutical and high tech industry; serve as a trusted adviser to members of US Congress; advise candidates for Congress & state offices; legislators from both sides of the aisle frequently tap me for advice and perspective on health care, budgetary, higher education and technology issues; and Governor’s appreciate and respect my breadth of knowledge and plain speak on the toughest of issues.

Complex negotiations, Legislative expert, IT procurement, public sector business consultant, healthcare policy, extensive contacts with elected officials throughout the US: local, state and federal. Seasoned multi-state lobbyist, international government affairs expertise.


Number of Current Jobs
Steven Palmer has 1 current jobs including Consultant at Oracle , .
Organization Name Title At Company Start Date End Date
Oracle Consultant Feb 1, 2010 Detail