SEC 圆桌会议:成功、失败和下一步

Slaven Bilac



Slaven is leading the Agent IQ Engineering Team and is responsible for technology behind Agent IQ platform from early design to serving in production.

Before Agent IQ, Slaven worked at Google for 12 years, initially focusing on improving Google Search Engine and acting as Search Lead in the Google Japan Office. Later he lead the Cloud Machine Intelligence Group tasked with making Google-internal ML technology available on GCP. While at Google, Slaven has helped build several large engineering teams and demonstrated passion for making ML and NLP technology immediately useful by launching several user-facing products.


Number of Current Jobs
Slaven Bilac has 1 current jobs including CEO and President at Agent IQ , .
Organization Name Title At Company Start Date End Date
Agent IQ CEO and President Jun 1, 2017 Detail