SEC 圆桌会议:成功、失败和下一步

Sheila Flaherty



Serving as Senior Vice President and General Counsel for Demandware, Sheila Flaherty brings her extensive knowledge managing legal affairs at successful public and private corporations where she managed multiple mergers, acquisitions as well as public equity and debt offerings to help guide the company’s growth.

Before joining Demandware, Ms. Flaherty served as Executive Vice President and Chief Legal and Administrative Officer of Stream Global Services, a leading business process outsource (BPO) service provider specializing in customer relationship management for Fortune 1000 companies.

Prior to Stream Global Services, she was General Counsel and Vice President of Abiomed, Inc., a publicly traded medical technology company. During her in-house career, Ms. Flaherty handled several large $100 million plus international private debt transactions and managed multiple mergers, acquisitions and divestitures as well several successful public equity and debt offerings.

Ms. Flaherty earned her bachelor's degree from the University of Massachusetts at Amherst, and received a Juris Doctorate from Georgetown University Law Center, in Washington, D.C., and studied law at Trinity College in Dublin, Ireland.


Number of Current Jobs
Sheila Flaherty has 1 current jobs including Chief Legal Officer at Alert Logic , .
Organization Name Title At Company Start Date End Date
Alert Logic Chief Legal Officer May 1, 2018 Detail