GPS 暴雷后迎致命一击:币安新政能否洗牌市场?

Shane Fontaine



Shane is an engineer coming from some of the world’s largest, most powerful defense companies such as Boeing and Raytheon. He is the co-founder of Authereum and is helping drive Ethereum adoption with this technology. He is also the co-founder of the Gas Siphon Attack and has worked with exchanges to help them protect against it. Shane is a smart contract auditor for Zerotrust Audits (formerly Level K) and has performed notable audits such as OpenZeppelin2.0, Augur V2, Decentraland, TrustToken, and dYdX. He created the Ethereum Los Angeles Meetup in order to grow the cryptocurrency developer community. He has presented at many events and has been a mentor at Solidity bootcamps. Shane brings a depth of knowledge of Ethereum and smart contracts that can only be attained through years of practical experience. He has years of experience in engineering and holds a master’s degree in electrical engineering from UCLA.


Number of Current Jobs
Shane Fontaine has 1 current jobs including Co-Founder at Authereum , .
Organization Name Title At Company Start Date End Date
Authereum Co-Founder May 15, 2019 Detail