超级公链的死与生——以太坊、Solana 和 BNB Chain 三链对比

Saroja Yeramilli



With over 2 decades of experience in building successful brands in India and the USA, Saroja is responsible for transforming brand Tanishq into an aspirational jewellery brand in India. Her calling cards include launching the Tanishq stores in USA and launching work-wear jewellery for the first time in the Indian jewellery industry.

Melorra was born of her passion for innovation, and her extensive collaboration with industry bodies like World Gold Council, Diamond Trading Corporation (DeBeers) and Platinum Gold International to create and grow branded jewellery in India.


Number of Current Jobs
Saroja Yeramilli has 1 current jobs including Co-Founder and CEO at Melorra , .
Organization Name Title At Company Start Date End Date
Melorra Co-Founder and CEO Detail