Robert began his career designing and managing analytical systems for the world’s most successful hedge fund, Bridgewater Associates.
Robert attended the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine where he and Protenus co-founder Nick Culbertson saw firsthand how electronic medical records are used to improve patient care and share data more efficiently. They also observed that the electronic medical record created a new slate of serious security and privacy concerns. In 2014, Robert and Nick developed the initial prototype and algorithms that launched Protenus, fulfilling a critical need to better protect patient data in electronic health records.
Prior to co-founding Protenus and his time at medical school, Robert worked at the world’s largest and most successful hedge fund, Bridgewater Associates, where he designed and managed systems to analyze global markets. Bringing this quantitative and systems-based background to tackle the problem of health data security was a natural transition. Robert advocates for the improvement of Maryland’s business ecosystem, teaches at Johns Hopkins, and is a published clinical researcher. He is a frequent speaker on Health IT, cybersecurity, patient privacy, analytical systems, and entrepreneurship. Robert holds an A.B. in Social Studies, magna cum laude, from Harvard College.