Crypto 生存指南:从「闭眼梭」到「少犯错」

Ralph Whitbeck



Ralph Whitbeck is a is a Developer Evangelist for the Ecosystem Team at Atlassian, where he strives to make developers lives easier in creating new add-ons for Atlassian products.

Ralph a front-end web developer with over 15 years experience in web development including HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript with a focus in jQuery. Ralph also has experience in developing web strategies, usability testing, working with ASP.NET and SQL Server. Ralph is a co-author of O’Reilly’s jQuery Cookbook and is currently working on another book for O’Reilly called the jQuery Mobile Cookbook.

Ralph is a Board Member on the jQuery Foundation, a Member of the jQuery Mobile team doing developer relations and a Co-Host on the Official jQuery Podcast.

Ralph previously worked at appendTo as the Vice President of Training, Modern Web Advocate for Tools and Services and Director of Professional Services for appendTo’s tools and services. Ralph joined appendTo as Senior Developer in October 2011.

Prior to appendTo, Ralph was a Senior Web Application Engineer at BrandLogic.


Number of Current Jobs
Ralph Whitbeck has 1 current jobs including Developer Evangelist at Atlassian , .
Organization Name Title At Company Start Date End Date
Atlassian Developer Evangelist Dec 1, 2014 Detail