Peter Kelly


Investor Stage
Early stage Venture,Seed

An experienced executive specialized in mobile first banking and digital financial services, including digital assets such as Bitcoin in the US and developing countries.

Throughout my career, I have worked with fortune 500 corporations, governments, startups, and NGOs to develop strategies, design ventures and build products and offerings across digital finance and mobile technology.

I have built and led high performing teams responsible for growth, operations, product, partnerships, business development and marketing in the US, Haiti, Mexico and the Philippines for mobile first fintech startups and have advised traditional financial services players on digital transformation. Earlier in my career, I spent five years with Verizon leading Mobile telecom sales.

Passionate about the use of technology to empower disenfranchised populations, promote access and enable economic and financial inclusion via blockchain and digital currency, for social good.

Previously Co Founded Abra as VP Business Development helping launch 1st generation service for peer to peer remittances with a non custodial wallet via bitcoin / blockchain in US and Philippines.

Led strategy, regulatory and partnership development of mobile operators, credit unions and Microfinance institutions in US, Haiti and Mexico for Boom Financial and Obopay.


Number of Current Jobs
Peter Kelly has 1 current jobs including Board Advisor at Abra , .
Organization Name Title At Company Start Date End Date
Abra Board Advisor Detail