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Nigel Carr



Nigel is an operator and angel investor and advisor specializing in brand, product development, growth strategy, and execution in early-stage startups.

He is currently a principal at ADL Ventures, a venture foundry and development firm that partners with legacy-sector corporations. He is also a Co-founder at Rithron, an advisory company that supports plant-based food startups. Rithron has helped launch new wellness products from Willie Nelson and Joy Tea, among others.

Prior to ADL, Nigel spent three years at Flow Kana as a founding team member and head of operations and product development. He was previously CEO and Co-founder of Qorax, a platform for creating country-specific solar distribution and finance brands in Sub-Saharan Africa, including Enersom (Somalia), HelloSolar (Ethiopia), and Altech (DRC). Nigel has advised and made angel investments in multiple startups to help them reach critical milestones during their formative years, including VIM, Jetti, Liatris, Human, General Radar, Vidaao, Casca, and Steward.

Nigel holds a BA in Psychology from Amherst College. He studied Photovoltaics and Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cells at the Smith College Picker Engineering Program.


Number of Current Jobs
Nigel Carr has 1 current jobs including Seed Investor & Advisor at Jetti Resources , .
Organization Name Title At Company Start Date End Date
Jetti Resources Seed Investor & Advisor Sep 1, 2013 Detail