GPS 暴雷后迎致命一击:币安新政能否洗牌市场?

Neil Davidson



Before co-founding Coda, Neil was a manager in the Mobile Money for the Unbanked team at the GSM Association, where he advised emerging-market mobile network operators as they designed and deployed payment services for their customers, wrote numerous blog posts and a series of articles, spoke at industry events and with analysts and the press; and engaged with financial authorities on payment systems regulation. Before that, he worked for Kenya’s second-largest microfinance institution, K-Rep Bank, and as a consultant at McKinsey & Co., where he advised a leading retail bank in Nigeria and to a logistics conglomerate in South Africa. Neil earned his bachelor’s degree and an MBA from Harvard University.


Number of Current Jobs
Neil Davidson has 1 current jobs including Executive Chairman at Coda Payments , .
Organization Name Title At Company Start Date End Date
Coda Payments Executive Chairman Jan 1, 2019 Detail