Matt Verminski



Matt Verminski is Vice President of Engineering at Desktop Metal where he leads the company’s growing engineering team, comprised of more than 80 engineers. Together they are responsible for the development of the Desktop Metal’s metal 3D printing systems, DM Studio and DM Production. Prior to joining the company in 2015, Verminski was an initial team member and VP of Hardware at Kiva Systems (acquired by Amazon for $775M and is now Amazon Robotics). There he shepherded multiple generations of autonomous robotic systems from concept to volume production. Previously, he co-founded and led systems engineering for Mimio and was an early team member at PowerAdvocate.

Verminski earned his MS in Electrical Engineering from MIT and BS in Computer Engineering from Tufts. He currently holds 24 U.S. patents primarily in the areas of robotics and virtual transcription, with more pending.


Number of Current Jobs
Matt Verminski has 1 current jobs including Co-Founder at Kodama Systems , .
Organization Name Title At Company Start Date End Date
Kodama Systems Co-Founder Detail