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Lubomila Jordanova



Lubomila Jordanova is the founder and CEO of PlanA.Earth, a Berlin-based startup developing an end-to-end platform that enables companies to measure, monitor and reduce their environmental footprint and improve their ESG performance. She is also the co-founder of the Greentech Alliance, a community of 500+ startups which are connected to over 350+ advisors from VC, media and business, who help them monthly with advice and feedback. Prior to Plan A, she worked in investment banking, venture capital and fintech in Asia and Europe. She was recently announced as Marshall Fund Fellow for 2021 and 100 Top Women in Germany 2020.


Number of Current Jobs
Lubomila Jordanova has 1 current jobs including Founder & CEO at Plan A , .
Organization Name Title At Company Start Date End Date
Plan A Founder & CEO Apr 1, 2017 Detail