韩国加密 KOL 营销乱象:从「投机型主播」到不宽容的社会文化

Joseph Chen



Joe Chen is a Co-Founder of Anduril Industries.

After 10 years in engineering and product management, Joseph enlisted in the US Army National Guard to serve his nation and community as a paratrooper in the 1st Battalion (Airborne),143rd Infantry Regiment.

Joseph was one of the first employees at Oculus VR, where he contributed to hardware development as Product Lead and led non-gaming developer relations. Previously, he had worked on augmented reality (AR) headset technology at Epson.

Most recently, he launched Here Be Dragons, a VR content production studio, where he pioneered VR camera technologies and capture techniques as Executive Technical Producer. Joseph earned a Bachelor of Arts in Electrical Engineering from Rice University and a Master of Business Administration from the University of Southern California.


Number of Current Jobs
Joseph Chen has 1 current jobs including Co-founder at Anduril Industries , .
Organization Name Title At Company Start Date End Date
Anduril Industries Co-founder Jan 1, 2017 Detail