Uniswap 社区拨款 1.655 亿美元激励生态发展,DeFi 巨头战略转型路在何方?

John Hitchingham



John Hitchingham is director of performance engineering at FINRA, where he is responsible for driving technical innovation and efficiency across a cloud application portfolio that processes over 75 billion market events per day to detect fraud, market manipulation, insider trading, and abuse. Previously, John worked at both large and boutique consulting firms providing technical design and consulting services to startup, media, and telecommunications clients. John holds a BS in electrical engineering from Rutgers University.


Number of Current Jobs
John Hitchingham has 1 current jobs including Software Development Manager - Amazon FinSpace (AWS) at Amazon , .
Organization Name Title At Company Start Date End Date
Amazon Software Development Manager - Amazon FinSpace (AWS) Jan 1, 2019 Detail