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Gaurav Negi



Gaurav Negi is CFO of Indigo.Mr. Gaurav Negi has more than two decades of diverse exposure in the field of Finance, Corporate Governance and Business Operations. A Chartered Accountant and certified Six Sigma Blackbelt, he has held senior management responsibilities across various industries and worked In multiple countries.Before getting associated with Interglobe Aviation, Negi spent over 2 decades with General Electric Company, where he was part of their Global Leadership programs in Finance and Executive management.In his last role with GE, Negi was the CFO for On Shore Wind (segment of GE Renewable Energy headquartered in Paris, France), APAC & Non-Executive Director, GE Transmission & Distribution (GE T&D) India. He joined IndiGo as Senior Vice President and Head - Governance, Risk and Compliance on December 1, 2021.He completed his chartard accountant from The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India.


Number of Current Jobs
Gaurav Negi has 1 current jobs including CFO at Indigo , .
Organization Name Title At Company Start Date End Date
Indigo CFO Mar 1, 2022 Detail