Eddie Schwartz



Eddie is responsible for the strategy and daily direction of Block.one’s global cyber security program. He is a cyber security veteran with a career spanning three decades in the IT and software sectors. He has held numerous executive leadership positions at large-scale corporates and early stage companies, among which include EVP of Cyber Services for DarkMatter, LLC, Chief Operating Officer for the pioneering advertising fraud firm WhiteOps, Inc., VP and Global Leader for Cyber Security Solutions at Verizon, VP and Chief Security Officer for RSA. Eddie has also led global security industry working groups as a member of the International Board of Directors of ISACA and Chairman of ISACA’s Global Cyber Security Taskforce and is a former member of the Executive Committee of the Banking Industry Technology Secretariat of the U.S. Financial Services Roundtable.


Number of Current Jobs
Eddie Schwartz has 1 current jobs including Chief Information Security Officer at Block.one , .
Organization Name Title At Company Start Date End Date
Block.one Chief Information Security Officer Feb 1, 2019 Detail