SEC 圆桌会议:成功、失败和下一步

Don Clarke



As chief financial officer, Don Clarke is responsible for all financial planning, accounting and reporting functions at Plex. Since he joined the company in 2014, Don has helped lead the company through tremendous growth and expansion including completing two acquisitions, DemandCaster and DATTUS.

Don brings extensive experience leading high-growth companies within the technology industry, having served as CFO for three public companies and led IPOs at both Eloqua and Net2000. Prior to joining Plex, he served as CFO at Eloqua, where he was instrumental in driving increased revenues. Don also served as CFO at Cloakware, a security solutions company, and Visual Networks, Inc, a provider of application and network management solutions.

Don is currently a member of the board of directors for (NASDAQ: ALRM), the leading platform for the intelligently connected property, BigCommerce (NASDAQ: BIGC), the world’s leading open ecommerce platform, and Brain Evolved, a leader in brain fitness programs. Past board memberships include DataRPM and SalsaLabs.

Don is a member of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) and holds a bachelor’s degree in accounting from Virginia Tech.


Number of Current Jobs
Don Clarke has 1 current jobs including Board Member at BigCommerce , .
Organization Name Title At Company Start Date End Date
BigCommerce Board Member Dec 1, 2016 Detail