David Delabassee



Serverless Functions are hot and developer and corporate interest is exploding! But let’s face it, although Java is one of the most popular programming languages in the world it isn’t the most popular language for writing functions—at least not yet. According to James Governor, “When Web Companies Grow Up They Turn into Java shops” so as functions become mainstream will Java become the dominant language for authoring functions? Can it be?

In this session we’ll examine the challenges to using Java for functions and the latest features provided by the Java platform that address them. We’ll also dig into the open source Fn Project’s unparalleled Java support which makes it possible to build, test, and scale out Java-based functions applications.


Number of Current Jobs
David Delabassee has 1 current jobs including DevRel - Java Platform Group at Oracle , .
Organization Name Title At Company Start Date End Date
Oracle DevRel - Java Platform Group Jun 1, 2019 Detail