SEC 圆桌会议:成功、失败和下一步

Daniel Kimerling

Investment Partner


Investor Type
Investment Partner

Dan Kimerling is the co-founder of Standard Treasury, a Y Combinator backed company. He is also the co-founder and Managing Partner of Deciens Capital, an early stage investment fund.

Previously, he was the COO of digital gift card start-up Giftly from its inception in 2010 to its acquisition by in 2013.

Before Giftly, Dan was a Booth Scholar at the University of Chicago Booth School of Business.

From 2007 to 2009, Dan was TechCrunch's Business Analyst.

Earlier in his career Dan was an award winning policy analyst at the Hudson Institue and the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS). In 2007, he was named the Anne Armstrong Leadership Fellow a position given annually to the most promising young foreign policy professional.

Dan has an B.A. (with Honors) in Political Science and an M.A. (with Honors) in International Relations from the University of Chicago where he won numerous awards.


Number of Current Jobs
Daniel Kimerling has 3 current jobs including Lead Seed Investor and Board Observer at Treasury Prime , Mentor at 500 Global and Board Member at Treasury Prime .
Organization Name Title At Company Start Date End Date
Treasury Prime Lead Seed Investor and Board Observer Mar 1, 2018 Detail
500 Global Mentor Detail
Treasury Prime Board Member Detail