Christian Gaiser is CEO of Bonial International Group, the global leading network of location-based shopping apps and technology, operating in 11 countries across 4 continents.
Having spent time in Silicon Valley in 2008, Christian developed the concept for Bonial due to the entrepreneurial environment he was living in and the amount of flyers and mailers he was accumulating. He thought at that time that there must be a new and different way to reach the consumer that takes the time-honored circular into consideration. The concept was born.
In 2008, Christian Gaiser and his team founded kaufDA in Germany, which was quickly honored in 2010 as “the star among location-based services in Germany” by W&V, Germany’s main magazine for communication and promotion. kaufDA has become Germany’s leading network for local retail promotions, initially financed by the venture capital divisions of Deutsche Telekom AG and OTTO Group. In early 2011, kaufDA was acquired by Axel Springer SE, one of Europe’s largest media companies. In just four years, German consumers have used kaufDA to actively open more than 5 billion digital circulars, with kaufDA continuously providing the latest information on more than 247,000 retail outlets in Germany.
From Germany, Christian went on to launch the kaufDA concept as Ofertia in Spain, Bonial in France, Lokata in Russia, Guiato in Brazil and Retale in the United States. In 2012, the company was branded as Bonial International Group globally. Since the birth of kaufDA in 2008, Christian and his team have successfully serviced 600 retailers and 12 million consumers.
Prior to Bonial, Christian worked in various positions at Goldman Sachs Private Equity in London, at McKinsey & Company in Vienna and Zurich, at the Monitor Group/Ermgassen & Co in London and at SAP Investor Relations in Walldorf.
Christian is a graduate of the WHU Otto Beisheim School of Management, Vallendar and HEC, Montréal.