SEC 圆桌会议:成功、失败和下一步

Chenxi Wang

Investment Partner , Angel


Investor Type
Investment Partner,Angel

Chenxi Wang is VP of Cloud Security & Strategy at Ciphercloud. She joined Ciphercloud from Intel Security, where she was VP of Strategy, responsible for ubiquity strategy that spans both hardware and software platforms.

Prior to Intel, Wang was a highly respected industry analyst at Forrester Research, where she covered mobile, cloud and enterprise security.

Prior to Forrester, Wang was Associate Professor of Computer Engineering at Carnegie Mellon University. She’s recognized in the industry, having been quoted by the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal,, Fox Business News, Bloomberg, Dark Reading and many trade publications.

She has keynoted SANS, RSA Asia, OWASP and other research conferences. Wang holds a Ph.D. in Computer Science from University of Virginia.


Number of Current Jobs
Chenxi Wang has 2 current jobs including Investor at JupiterOne , Investor at Oasis Labs and .
Organization Name Title At Company Start Date End Date
JupiterOne Investor Jan 1, 2020 Detail
Oasis Labs Investor Jan 1, 2018 Detail