Uniswap 社区拨款 1.655 亿美元激励生态发展,DeFi 巨头战略转型路在何方?

Carolyn Childers



Carolyn Childers is the Co-founder and CEO of Chief, the private network built to drive more women into positions of power and keep them there. She is an experienced leader and operator, having successfully scaled several early-stage businesses.

Prior to founding Chief, Carolyn was SVP of Operations at Handy, led the launch of the site Soap.com (Quidsi) and acted as its GM through its acquisition by Amazon.

Carolyn is now focusing her energy and experience on tackling the imbalance of professional power and creating lasting change from the top down, landing her on Inc.’s 2019 Female Founders 100 List.


Number of Current Jobs
Carolyn Childers has 2 current jobs including Co-Founder & CEO at Chief , Board Member at Chief and .
Organization Name Title At Company Start Date End Date
Chief Co-Founder & CEO Jan 1, 2018 Detail
Chief Board Member Detail