Carl Buhler is the CEO of Buhler Consulting, LLC, which specializes in providing consulting services to the aerospace and defense industries focused on logistics, maintenance, sustainment, modernization, and supply.
Carl Buhler is also the CEO of Bionic Lift, LLC which focuses on the exoskeleton market and is a US representative and distributor of Skelex 360 Exoskeletons.
Carl is a retired Air Force Brigadier General (Brig Gen). Carl Buhler's Air Force General Officer biography is at
Carl began his extensive military career in 1989 after earning a BS in applied mathematics from Valdosta State College (now University), where he participated in the Air Force ROTC program. After completing Squadron Officer School at Maxwell Air Force Base in Montgomery, Alabama, he graduated with his master’s degree in human relations from the College of Continuing Education at the University of Oklahoma. Carl Buhler has since earned a master’s degree in national security and strategic studies from the College of Naval Command and Staff and a master’s degree in national resource strategy from the Industrial College of the Armed Forces.
Capitalizing on his formal education, during his time in the Air Force, Carl Buhler rose to the rank of brigadier general (brig gen) after completing logistics, aircraft maintenance, and munitions-related assignments at bases throughout South Korea, Germany, and the United States. While a squadron commander, he led his squadron to earn the Air Combat Command (ACC) Maintenance Effectiveness Award and the U.S. Air Force Maintenance Effectiveness Award. Additionally, he served as the director of logistics, engineering, and force protection at Headquarters, ACC at Joint Base Langley-Eustis in Virginia. Carl Buhler also earned the U.S. Air Force Lt. General Leo Marquez Outstanding CGO Munitions Maintenance Officer of the Year Award winner for 1994.
Watch Carl Buhler's interview on "The Aviation Talk Show" at