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Bruno Guez



Guez lives in Israel with his family and is the founder of Revelator, moving the artist services that labels provide to the cloud via an integrated business management and digital marketing software.

Inspired by the possibilities and challenges of today's digital landscape, Revelator is a revolutionary and innovative platform for music professionals to manage, monetize and market their digital content online and across mobile devices, all from one place.

His mission is to enable artists to realize their dream of making a career out of their talent, and bring transparency, simplicity, and efficiency to the way record labels manage their businesses in today's fragmented digital landscape.

Additionally, Revelator will also increase the interaction between artists and fans in real time, developing the conversation between them which will have an immensely positive effect on the music industry and its attempt to break down barriers.


Number of Current Jobs
Bruno Guez has 1 current jobs including Founder & Chief Executive Officer at Revelator , .
Organization Name Title At Company Start Date End Date
Revelator Founder & Chief Executive Officer Jun 1, 2013 Detail