韩国加密 KOL 营销乱象:从「投机型主播」到不宽容的社会文化

Bruce Chen



陈仁彬, Bruce Chen, an Taiwanese Internet entrepreneur with dual backgrounds in fine arts and computing/mathematics, was one of the founding members of the Chinese portal Sina.com.

He was a selected art-gifted student since age 12, studied the western Fine Arts as well as the Chinese Arts in his student life. After obtaining a MSc degree in England in 3D Computing & Mathematics, he worked as a 3D Animator for SONY Psygnosis in the UK. In 1996, he joined an Internet start-up in Silicon Valley - SinaNet, later merged with China's SRSNet and became the Chinese portal site SINA.com. SINA went public on Nasdaq in April of year 2000.

In 2004, Chen was recruited by eBay to become the Head of Strategy for eBay Taiwan.

In 2010, He joined a Silicon Valley start-up SpecialDeals.com as the Chief Strategy Officer, then cofounded Yikuair.com, the Weibo commerce company in China in 2011 in a spin-off.

Over the years Chen has been keeping art as his professional hobby, he had done group and solo art exhibitions from time to time to express his love for the Art.


Number of Current Jobs
Bruce Chen has 1 current jobs including Founder & CEO at INSTO , .
Organization Name Title At Company Start Date End Date
INSTO Founder & CEO Feb 1, 2013 Detail