Bobby Choi



Led development, QA and design team to build entire mobile payment system and launch service within extremely aggressive time line (4 months after VC-funding).
• Authored and filed three patents related to unique mobile payment systems and methodologies.
• Designed and Implemented of Enterprise Service and Middleware (BPM, CORBA and two CORBA services).
• Possesses strong experiences in Enterprise/Infrastructure Platform architecture and implementation.
• Set up and managed software engineering teams in various international locations (US, China and Taiwan).
• Awarded “IT Mentor of Year” by Minister of Information and Communication of South Korea.
• Architected and built several entire mobile payment and billing systems over 5+ years.
• Experienced in Cloud and Clustering based system
• Expert in framework design and development
• Experienced in enterprise application architecture consulting.
• Experienced in software development methodology consulting (RUP, CBD and XP).
• Good understanding of software design practice (architecture, design pattern, refactoring, TDD).
• System programming (Win32, Unix based)
• Led and mentored developer communities (Chairman of Java User Group, largest software developers’ group in Korea, for two years)
• Authored numerous on/off-line article publications
• Speaker and expert lecturer at developer conferences

- Publications
• Offline: More than 30 columns on ‘Micro Software (Computer Science magazine)’
• Online: So many columns on IBM DeveloperWorks (Korea), Sun Developer Network (Korea) and ZDNet Korea

- Lectures

(1) Java Community Organization Conference (audience: more than two thousand)
• Struts Architecture (February 2003)
• Enterprise J2EE Pattern (February 2004)
• JBoss Subsystems (February 2006)
• Pattern Language (February 2006)

(2) Red Hat Java Developers Seminar
• JBoss Architecture (2007)

(3) Objectworld Seminar
• Target for Refactoring (April 2002)
• Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture (April 2005)


Number of Current Jobs
Bobby Choi has 1 current jobs including Consulting Member of Technical Staff at Oracle , .
Organization Name Title At Company Start Date End Date
Oracle Consulting Member of Technical Staff Dec 1, 2017 Detail