SEC 圆桌会议:成功、失败和下一步

Bill Bishop



Investor Type
Investor Stage

Bill is a bilingual American entrepreneur. He co-founded CBS MarketWatch in 1997 and worked in several business roles over the years, the last as head of the MarketWatch consumer Internet business. After selling his company to Dow Jones Bill moved to Beijing in 2005 and worked as the CEO of Red Mushroom Studios, a Beijing-based online game developer.

Currently Bill edits The Sinocism China Newsletter and does consulting work for companies and investment funds.

Having lived in China for over 13 years, completing 6 academic years of formal Chinese language studies, and earning an MA in China Studies from Johns Hopkins SAIS as well as earning a BA from Middlebury College Bill is often quoted in major media such as Bloomberg, Financial Times, Wall Street Journal, Reuters, New York Times etc.

Personal Investments

Number of Investments
Bill Bishop has made 1 investments. Their most recent investment was on Dec 17, 2008, when Stocktwits raised $800K.
Date Company Name Round Money Raised Industry
Dec 17, 2008 Stocktwits Seed $800K Financial Services Detail