Uniswap 社区拨款 1.655 亿美元激励生态发展,DeFi 巨头战略转型路在何方?

Ashley Smith

Investment Partner , Angel


Investor Type
Investment Partner,Angel
Investor Stage
Early stage Venture

Ashley Smith is a Venture Partner at OpenView. She has built a long career helping early stage startups scale into successful organizations. She was most recently an executive at GitHub (acquired by Microsoft for $7.5 billion in 2018). Prior to that, she was CMO at GitLab, Head of Marketing at Parse (acquired by Facebook 2013), and got her start in go-to-market in the early days of Twilio (IPO 2016).

Smith holds a bachelor’s degree in biomedical engineering from [Georgia Institute of Technology](https://www.crunchbase.com/organization/georgia-institute-of-technology-main-campus#/entity). She lives in New York, United States.

Personal Investments

Number of Investments
Ashley Smith has made 1 investments. Their most recent investment was on Jun 22, 2022, when Strapi raised $31M.
Date Company Name Round Money Raised Industry
Jun 22, 2022 Strapi Series B $31M Developer APIs Detail