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Alasdair Munn



Investor Type
Investor Stage

After studying economics and business administration, I swapped out journalism to study industrial psychology and industrial sociology as I was interested in the human side of work, and I found journalism at that time in Southern African to be stifling. I was at University in South Africa at a time when the focus was about how to integrate different cultures into the workplace. As a white Zimbabwean from a publishing family, Zimbabwe had gone through this already allowing me an active perspective on it. In hindsight I am very grateful for not only having studied this, but having been there at that particular time in history to watch and be a part of a transition. There have since been many transitions around the world, and many crucial ones still have to be undertaken around authentic diversity foundation blocks, equal rights and human rights. Along with these, we are also in a transition of how we are as actively thoughtful about how humans and machines learn to collaborate with one another and choice of industrial psychology and industrial sociology continues to benefit me even more so today.

Specialties: AI; behavioural science, communication intelligence (#CQ) Branded content, VR, Gamification, Film, TV, Digital Content, integrated marketing, multicultural perspectives, process development, mentoring, start-ups, disruptive technologies, social media, publishing, content marketing, consumer markets, e-commerce, mobile content, sustainable approaches, crowdsourcing, e-learning, USA, Europe, Africa

Activism: anything to do with Africa, in particular Zimbabwe; mentoring youths who need a second/third chance; conservation; health; mental health; equal pay and rights.

Hobbies: reading; speaking engagements; hiking; cricket; tennis; writing; travel; music.

Personal Investments

Number of Investments
Alasdair Munn has made 1 investments. Their most recent investment was on Apr 13, 2018, when BoxMedia raised 0.
Date Company Name Round Money Raised Industry
Apr 13, 2018 BoxMedia Seed Blockchain Detail


Number of Current Jobs
Alasdair Munn has 1 current jobs including Chief Learning Officer and Co-Founder at BoxMedia , .
Organization Name Title At Company Start Date End Date
BoxMedia Chief Learning Officer and Co-Founder Detail