Jigsaw is a technology incubator that aims to tackle the toughest geopolitical issues.
Jigsaw is a technology incubator that aims to tackle the toughest geopolitical issues. Our teams of engineers, research scientists, product managers, and issue experts are devoted to countering violent extremism, thwarting online censorship, and defending against the threats associated with digital attacks.
The name Jigsaw acknowledges that the world is a complex puzzle of physical and digital challenges. It also reflects our belief in collaborative problem solving and that any puzzle is best solved with many different people and groups looking for the missing pieces.
The Jigsaw team was created by Eric Schmidt and Jared Cohen in 2010, when they were known as Google Ideas, a think tank within Google that researched issues at the intersection of technology and international security. In February 2016, we expanded our mission to become a technology incubator.