A Place for Mom



A Place for Mom is a for-profit senior care referral service providing information about senior housing and elder care providers.


Last Funding Type
Private Equity(PE)
Last Funding Money Raised
Home Health Care,Home Services,Non Profit
Founded date
Jul 1, 2000
Number Of Employee
251 - 500
Operating Status

A Place for Mom is dedicated to helping families navigate the process of finding established, safe, and cost-effective senior care. As the largest senior living referral information service in the United States, A Place for Mom has guided thousands of families through the process of finding senior care. Using its nationwide network of more than 18,000 providers of senior living services, the company helps families find care and housing options that meet their needs and empowers them to make informed decisions.

Working under the principle of delivering individualized, local, expert guidance to families seeking senior care opportunities, A Place for Mom was launched in the summer of 2000. The company was founded by three professionals, including a former senior housing executive with more than 15 years of experience. Receiving more than 60,000 inquiries from family members per month, A Place for Mom has been named one of the fastest-growing firms in the United States.

One-on-one, comprehensive guidance is provided by A Place for Mom staff, helping families explore elder care and senior housing choices, including assisted living, nursing homes, retirement communities, memory care, and respite and residential home care. In addition, A Place for Mom works to connect families with facilities serving individuals who have been diagnosed with dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. A Place for Mom is paid by its participating communities and care providers, therefore the service is offered at no charge to families.

Funding Rounds

Number of Funding Rounds
Total Funding Amount
A Place for Mom has raised a total of $184.50M in funding over 2 rounds. Their latest funding was raised on Jan 24, 2022 from a Private Equity(PE) round.
Announced Date Round Money Raised Number of Investors Lead Investors Post Valuation
Jan 24, 2022 Private Equity(PE) $175M 3 Insight Partners Detail
Aug 14, 2017 Private Equity(PE) 2 Detail
Jan 1, 2006 Series Unknown $9.50M 1 Battery Ventures Detail


Number of Lead Investors
Number of Investors
A Place for Mom is funded by 4 investors. Insight Partners and Battery Ventures are the most recent investors.
Investor Name Lead Investor Funding Round
Insight Partners Yes Private Equity(PE)
Battery Ventures Yes Series Unknown
Silver Lake Private Equity(PE)
General Atlantic Private Equity(PE)

Employee Profiles

Number of Employee Profiles
A Place for Mom has 15 current employee profiles, including Board member Anton Levy
Board member
Board member
Board member
Board member