Poste Italiane is the offer of postal products and services, financial and insurance, available online.
Poste Italiane is the largest infrastructure services organisation in Italy. With our nationwide branch network, our major investments in technology and our 143,000 employees with a wealth of experience and knowledge, we play a key role in the process of growth and modernisation underway in Italy. Today we provide postal logistics, savings and investments, payment, insurance and digital communication services to over 32 million customers.
Our major strategic investments in research and development and in employee training have enabled us to create advanced services that respond to the needs of our customers and reflect the changes that are taking place in Italian society.
We have always been strongly committed to the environment and sustainable growth and strive to reduce emissions and atmospheric pollution through ever greater use of renewable energy and vehicles with low environmental impact.
Our focus on innovation and human beings along with our strong presence throughout the country have laid the foundations for our extraordinary results, especially in the financial and insurance sectors. Poste Vita has undergone especially rapid growth to become the second largest player in the Italian insurance industry.